We have come to the 2nd part of our planning! Front-End Development Planning.
We have constructed the Activity Diagram in step 1. Now, it is time, to plan out the website. Afterwards, we will know what are the data requirements needed, and can start planning out the E-R Model. Lastly, we will cover the Back-End Development.
Just like what the title says, for this planning post, we will need to imagine how our web page looks like.
A few things to take note:
Who's the audience?
What are the basic content and feature requirement?
How the website should flow?
Good thing we had the activity diagram drawn. We'll use that to analyse and build our user interface. But of course, we also have to start imagining how we want our website to look like.
Ah, this is just a skeleton of how I want my website to look like.
It doesn't have to be fancy...
But I guess it's quite wordy...
But at least...
It gets the job done.
Just try to imagine.
Well, this took me around 1 hour-ish?
After more though process, I have added in some things that isn't in my previous activity diagram.
I would want to highlight the Authentication part of the idea. It is necessary to distinguish between the users and the stall owners.
Planning the front-end, also gave me some idea on how should I implement the back-end as well. I guess I would have to use JQuery & Ajax for a real-time order view for the stall owners.