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Programming Flow

After having shown the web application from a user-interface level, and explained the gist of how the program works, I am keen to share...


U might be wondering what I was doing for this 1 month or so... And the answer is that I was working very hard to develop the prototype....

Checkpoint 1 (Summary)

Don't you feel that whatever I have planned out is so overwhelming? If not, that's good. Else, you are in the same boat as I am in right...

Models, models and models...

Now, reaching the 3rd step of planning phase, I'll be using an E-R Model to visualise the data requirements. Re-analysing the activity...

Imagining Things

We have come to the 2nd part of our planning! Front-End Development Planning. We have constructed the Activity Diagram in step 1. Now, it...

Thought Process #1

I hope the activity diagram has given you some glimpse into how actually the system works. However, I think there are still things that I...

There's a reason it's a cliché

As the cliché goes, "Failing to plan is planning to fail". All of us know that planning is important. Let alone it is such a big project,...

Hello World!

I have successfully created a development blog! Join me in my adventure of developing a prototype for a canteen food ordering system!

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